
How to add footnote to last page
How to add footnote to last page

#How to add footnote to last page how to

In this video tutorial we will show you how to insert a footnote into a Word document.Don't forget to check out our site for more free how. If you're citing another publication, this would usually be at the end of a sentence. Instead, click the Footnotes group's dialog launcher With your document open in Microsoft Word open Insert the first footnote by clicking where the first footnote needs to be placed Open the 'References' ribbon Select the 'Insert Footnote' button and enter in the footnote informatio All you can do is select the footnote reference number in the main text and anchor your comments to it To add a footnote in Word, open your document and place your blinking cursor at a point within your document. Don't click Insert Footnote, as you did before. Click to the right of George's blood type, A+. In Word, place the cursor at the end of the word where you want to place the superscript that references the note. Type the footnote text Add footnotes and endnotes - Wor Click the References tab and choose Insert Footnote. 2 Follow a similar process in Microsoft Word 2016 for Mac: Place the cursor in the text where you want to footnote mark to appear. That is done automatically Open Microsoft word Open the word document where you would like to add the footnote (s) Put the clicker on the part of the text where you would like to add the footnote at the end of a sentence or a paragraph.

how to add footnote to last page

The footnote text will be at the bottom of the same page as the footnote, separated by a line To insert footnotes in Microsoft Word: Place the cursor in the text where you want the footnote mark located. A footnote will be inserted at your cursor and you will be taken to the footnote text section to enter the contents of the footnote. Click the Document Elements tab, and then click the Footnote button in the Citations section. Type the footnote text Insert the footnote.

how to add footnote to last page

Word inserts a reference mark in the text and adds the footnote mark at the bottom of the page.

how to add footnote to last page

Click where you want to add the footnote.

How to add footnote to last page